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    Nutrition for Family


Students will practice food measuring, meal planning and decision making when it comes to the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.


NEW Google Docs Grocery List

Automatically calculates ingredients for your foods labs! Fill in the ingredients you have on hand and the spreadsheet will calculate the final amount you will purchase. Easy for students to fill in online and you can print or view the list at the store on your device.



Enter your Class and Kitchen Number.

Enter the amount of ingredients you need in each Grocery Department.

Convert cup and spoon measurements as decimals.

Example: 1-1/2 cups = 1.50 or 3/4 tsp = .75

Serving Size In Hand

Serving Size Card

Know Your Serving Size

Food Guide Pyramid Serving Size

Questions about Baby Cereal

Baby Bottles and Cereal


Food Allergies ppt

Fast Food Nutrition Guide

Fast Food Healthier Choices

Make a Cookbook - activity

Eating Smart at Home

Shopping Planner

Shop: Get the Best  for Less

Shop for Value

Eating Smart for Breakfast

Fix it Safe

Choosing More Fruits and Vegetables

Easy Ways to Enjoy Vegetables

Eating Vegetables the Healthy Weigh

Eating Fruit the Healthy Weigh

Nutrition Alphabox

The Real Bears

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